Barr Hill Gin 750ml
Type: Spirits
Producer: Barr HIll
Country: USA
Region: Vermont
Known Botanicals: Honey, Juniper
Barr Hill Gin is the acclaimed partnership of career beekeeper Todd Hardie and distiller Ryan Christiansen. Todd's concept was to combine bees and distilling. New Caledonia Spirits in Hardwick, Vermont produces two spirits, both with honey as the centerpiece. Their Barr Hill Vodka is distilled from fermented honey. Their Barr Hill Gin uses raw honey after distillation to a base spirit of corn, distilled with juniper. That's it. Three simple ingredients.
Producer: Barr HIll
Country: USA
Region: Vermont
Known Botanicals: Honey, Juniper
Barr Hill Gin is the acclaimed partnership of career beekeeper Todd Hardie and distiller Ryan Christiansen. Todd's concept was to combine bees and distilling. New Caledonia Spirits in Hardwick, Vermont produces two spirits, both with honey as the centerpiece. Their Barr Hill Vodka is distilled from fermented honey. Their Barr Hill Gin uses raw honey after distillation to a base spirit of corn, distilled with juniper. That's it. Three simple ingredients.